Sunday, August 9, 2009

PLEASE READ-Important terms of use

Please bear with us while we put this blog together. In all honesty, We were just trying to log onto another blog and before ya know it - we had our own!

Seriously, though, this blog is for war stories; whether or not they took place in a war zone. The original intent is to gather material from the Vietnam era from Sergeants (and Specialists) rank E-5 and above, though exceptions will be made if the material is good enough.

We want you to post your favorite tales whether funny, scary, sad or ironic. The only real requirement is that they be true (or real close to it). Please include your rank, branch of service and as close as possible to the date and place of the event you're writing about.

We don't much care if you're a great writer, but we do require great stories. We'll review all posts before publishing (and try to do it quickly) and we reserve the right to edit them, and this is important, possibly publish them in another forum. So, by posting your stories here, you are giving the creator(s) of this blog permission to use your story as we see fit without further permission. You never know, you may find your story in a book one day!

We reserve the right to delete, deny, edit or publish your entries under your screen name or another. Shortly we'll post a few stories we've already gathered to give you an idea of what we're looking for. The website will be up and running soon.

The photo is one of our founders and that's not a feather in his helmet - it's shrapnel. Yup, we had IEDs in 'Nam, too. Hopefully we'll get him to post that story soon, it's a doozy!

Thanks for joining us, we're looking forward to hearing from you. Welcome home brother!

1 comment:

  1. Cool. I've got one or two I've always wanted to get down on paper. I'll post them soon.
